STMWRF Expansion, Washoe County, NV
CME is providing construction inspection and materials testing as part of the construction management team for the $75 million South Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (STMWRF) expansion CMAR project. This facility expansion project will increase capacity from 4.1 MGD to 6.2 MGD and will include new treatment processes for improved effluent quality and additional redundancy and resiliency to ensure State permit requirements are met. The upgrade of the water reclamation facility consists of the expansion of the existing Huffaker reservoir for secondary effluent retention, upgrades to the existing headworks, construction of two new bioreactor tanks and associated blower building, addition of a new grit removal facilities, renovation of the existing aeration basin to a bioreactor tank, expansion of the existing sand filters, renovations and expansion of the existing control building, and the expansion of the existing biosolids facility.
CME Services Include:
- Constructability Review
- Review Contractor Submittals
- IBC Special Inspection and Materials Testing
- Soils (Mass Grading, Foundations)
- Reinforced Concrete
- Structural Steel Bolting and Welding
- Steel Fabricator Shop Inspection
- Structural Masonry
Key Challenges
- Quality assurance testing of construction materials with strict specification limits to meet unique design parameters
- Inspection of complex structural components for very specialized and cutting-edge treatment facilities